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Antidepressant Alternatives

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Medically Reviewed Fact Checked

Last Updated on March 31, 2023 by Chris Weatherall

Alternative to Meds Editorial Team
Medically Reviewed by Dr Samuel Lee MD

At Alternative to Meds Center, we utilize effective antidepressant alternative treatments that can resolve the problems associated with remaining on medication for a lifetime.

Whether users struggle with adverse effects, the ineffectiveness of the medication, or simply want to treat their mental health naturally, antidepressant alternatives may provide answers that were overlooked.6,7

Do Your Symptoms
Require Antidepressants?

antidepressant alternatives
Alternative to Meds gives expert antidepressant withdrawal treatment and we’ve been going strong for over 17 years. We have published evidence tracking the wonderful results of our clients. We take the time to study the lab tests, find anomalies in nutrient profiles, and resolve them, look at how to mitigate genetic markers, remove neurotoxic contaminants, promote healing in many, many ways. Some natural alternatives to antidepressants may be as effective and less harmful than traditional drug-based treatments for depression.8 We invite you to find out more about how we may be able to help you or your loved one.
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Natural Antidepressant Alternative Treatments

alternative treatments for depressionAlternative treatments for anxiety and depression come in many forms that for many, don’t include medication for effective results. Choosing natural antidepressant alternatives instead of relying on prescription drugs could be a better answer. Depression can ultimately be greatly relieved if not entirely resolved through correcting underlying issues, along with other changes that will support natural mental health and wellness.9

Alternative to Meds Center employs intricate techniques of natural antidepressant alternatives and antidepressant tapering to allow individuals to come off medication comfortably, and transition into an antidepressant alternative treatment regimen. Do you wish to watch yourself, or a loved one start living the life you know can be possible? Through the use of antidepressant alternatives, people have found that they can address depression issues without enduring negative antidepressant side effects. Alternative medicine provides an alternative to pharmaceutical psychiatry that only treats depressive symptoms with drugs. Many who opted for pharmaceutical solutions have ‘been there, done that” and found the results to be lacking, or contributed to debilitating consequences.6,10

For decades, those in the field of health have also been frustrated by a rather glaring lack of address to withdrawals from antidepressants. However, recent research findings published in 2019 in the British Medical Journal and reviewed in the Pharmaceutical Journal, have finally recognized that withdrawals may be severe and protracted for some people coming off antidepressants.11  Prior to these updates, withdrawals were often not discussed adequately, and when they were, they were downplayed as mild, self-limiting, and lasting just a few days or weeks.  So this clarification is a step forward. But the very good news is that alternative and naturopathic practitioners tend to use the innate wisdom of the body for healing by finding the right combination of therapies, changes in lifestyle, and anything else each different person may require for optimal physical and mental health.12 The alternative medicine approach focuses on each person uniquely, instead of prescribing a psychiatric prescription to every depressed patient.13 Alternative to Meds Center sees each patient as an individual and establishes a unique set of tailored alternatives for their specific needs.

Prescription Drugs vs Antidepressant Alternatives

Natural antidepressant alternatives can be used in place of medications such as Prozac®, Zoloft®, Effexor®, and Paxil®, which are associated with a burden of adverse effects.14,42-45 Our methods use scientific and complementary approaches that can help transition people from antidepressants to many of the alternative holistic treatments that are widely available in today’s world.

Many clinical studies continue to show that natural antidepressant alternatives like St John’s Wort 1 can be just as effective as the commonly prescribed antidepressant medications that are prescribed each year.15

Seasonal Affective Disorder Antidepressant Alternatives

seasonal affective disorderSAD, or seasonal affective disorder, is a term given to a feeling of low mood which primarily comes on in the fall & winter seasons, when days shorten and hours of sunlight contract.16 In northern climates, the travel industry provides welcome relief by offering “get-away” specials, and a chance to escape the “winter blues.”

The drugmakers offer “solutions” in the form of antidepressant medication. Did you know there are natural alternatives to antidepressants that can help with SAD?

Increasing light exposure to the eyes and skin boosts the production of Vitamin D.39 This is why light therapy, (especially very bright light therapy) has been found so dramatically helpful for depression related to the shorter days of sunlight that occur seasonally. Vitamin D deficiency can be reversed by exposure to natural sunlight and very bright therapeutic lights as well as ensuring adequate consumption of Vitamin D. Below is a summary of various things you can do to help with SAD.

Natural Antidepressant Alternatives for Seasonal Affective Disorder Include:

  • Supplement Vitamin D and exposure to sunlight when possible 16,39
  • Light therapy 16,18 — get some quick coaching on the best daily use of therapeutic lights.**
  • Counseling (CBT),19 learn relaxation techniques such as those taught in mindfulness training.
  • Improve diet to include organic vegetables and fruits, adequate daily protein, avoid sugars and caffeine and food additives that may exacerbate the blues.9
  • Adequate sleep — many people find melatonin (precursor to serotonin) can help to improve the quality of sleep.21
  • Mild exercise — releases endorphins (natural happy chemicals) 5*
  • Strive to maintain healthy social contacts, and avoid toxic people, workmates, etc., as much as possible.20
  • Physical therapies such as yoga, walking, acupuncture, massage have proven efficacy in the treatment of depressive symptoms such as are experienced in SAD 22-28
  • Nutrition plays a major role in natural mental wellness, and supplementation with vitamins, especially Vitamin D, minerals, and other herbal remedies that can be extremely helpful 8,9,39
  • Support for a healthy functioning microbiome is essential for mental and physical wellness 8,33,40

* Studies show exercise and exposure to sunlight can immensely improve overall health and feeling of well-being.
** An estimated 60-80% of people report positive results from light therapy.4,18 

Natural Antidepressant Alternatives

Natural alternatives to antidepressants may include acupuncture,22 controlled breathing techniques,23 biofeedback,24 dietary changes and food therapy,9 nutritional therapy including vitamins,8 herbal medicine and herbal supplements like St John’s Wort,8 exercise,5 animal or equine therapy, 25 yoga,26 reflexology,28 massage therapy,27 sound and music therapy,29 DBT,30 CBT counseling, and other forms of talk therapy.19 There are many genres of counseling including cognitive-behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, mindfulness coaching, lifestyle coaching, exposure therapy, and others. Exercise is one of the most rewarding and easiest practices to get into on a regular basis. Exercise is available in many different forms and is one of many antidepressant alternatives and natural therapies. Exercising allows good things to flow through the body, reduces stress, and builds confidence among many other positive things. Stress reduction and confidence-building are two excellent steps in a plan for effective alternatives to antidepressant medication.

Natural Antidepressant Alternatives Include:
  • natural alternatives to antidepressantsIndividual CBT 19
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy 30
  • Exercise 38
  • Tryptophan 37
  • SAMe 8
  • Omega Fatty Acids 4,8
  • Vitamin D 39
  • Testing for and clearing out neurotoxins lodged in the body 36
  • Acupuncture 22
  • Controlled breathing techniques 23
  • Biofeedback 24
  • Strategic dietary changes and nutritional therapy including vitamins and minerals 8,9
  • Herbal medicines and herbal supplements like St John’s Wort 8
  • Fresh air and sunshine 16,25,39
  • Yoga 26
  • Reflexology 28
  • Massage therapy 27
  • Sound and music therapy 29
  • Support a healthy microbiome with probiotics and a correct diet – essential for mental wellness 3,40

Natural Antidepressant Alternative Therapies

Acupuncture is an ancient therapy that has been used as an effective depression alternatives treatment.22 Acupuncture increases blood flow and inner balance, among many other benefits. Many people’s depression could be attributed to deficiencies, imbalances, and blocks within the body and mind. From the surface of the skin, acupuncture allows the balance to flow, and blockages to be released. Acupuncture and exercise both boost endorphins; endorphins are the natural, feel-good chemicals in our bodies. Therefore, acupuncture and exercise can have calming and relaxing effects. Acupuncture can relieve and release physical pain and emotional pain. Acupuncture is another example of excellent natural antidepressant alternatives that can be used in Celexa alternatives treatment for example, as well as other antidepressant replacement plans.

Antidepressant natural treatmentsMassage therapy and reflexology therapy are incredibly relaxing and healing therapies. Massage releases tension and stress and is healthy for the body and mind. Biofeedback is another natural alternative antidepressant strategy to consider. This form of treatment naturally and gradually coaches brainwave patterns to function healthily and properly.32 Drugmakers sell the idea of making these changes biochemically but have little in the way of proof that it is actually occurring.31 Antidepressant alternatives help in ways that have proven as effective as prescription drugs but are safer to implement.15 Alternative mental health treatments just don’t have the same potential for negative or adverse effects. At Alternative to Meds Center, each treatment regimen is entirely unique and customized for every client. We incorporate a comprehensive combination of treatments that will help each unique set of factors for our clients.

Food, Microbiome, Lifestyle Factors

We may often forget that the same insults which our body would receive from a poor diet, negatively impact our brains and CNS as well.

If a person does not supply the body with the correct nutrients, in the correct quantities, the body cannot function at maximum capacity.8 Add to this a compromised microbiome that just isn’t breaking down nutrients that are consumed, which makes a perfect storm for both mental and physical problems. A diet that does not contain the nutrients, enzymes, etc., that the gut needs for keeping the colon clear, and keeping the immune system strong are sure predictors of problems in the body. Researchers have even called the microbiome “the second brain.”33

Handling Root Causes for Symptoms

antidepressant root causesThere can be many different factors that are negatively impacting a person. For instance, perhaps the individual is overwhelmed by a life that is unfulfilling and they need a better or different environment to make changes. Perhaps toxic relationships, social stress, workplace tension, as examples, are causing untenable distress. Using a version of CBT known as Positive CBT, or another preferred form of talk therapy, these factors in life can be worked on as part of an overall plan. Perhaps one has gotten complacent and needs to overhaul their exercise, diet, and fitness regimens. Genetic factors have also been suggested in research published in the Journal of Affective Disorders. Certain genetic polymorphisms have become a newly studied area for potential treatments, though more research is needed in this area.  All of these factors can be addressed for positive improvements with a comprehensive roster of therapies and strategies designed to help these specific areas.20,34,35,41

But we find by far that one of the main culprits in symptoms like depression, anxiety, insomnia. mood swings and other complaints are that the body will test positive for an accumulation of toxic residues.36 These could be heavy metals from dentistry, medications, or other exposures in the home or from work, from cleaning products, pollution, food additives, and other sources.

The good news is that the body responds positively when these are eliminated through colonics, sauna, chelation, and other cleansing methods. How exciting to be able to rid oneself of toxic sludge and the symptoms that are relieved by doing so.

Holistic Antidepressant Alternatives Programs

sedona holistic drug rehabAlternative to Meds Center is not the typical drug rehab. Our facility has the goal to discover the underlying medical reasons why a person may be depressed. Our treatment program uses the following methods:  lab testing, orthomolecular medicine, natural substances that stabilize the neurochemistry, cleansing and purification for the dislodging of built-up environmental neurotoxins, medication withdrawal tapering techniques, IV nutrient treatment and other nutritional treatments, support from peers, yoga, massage, exercise, and more. Please review our services page for more information. In the treatment of depression, while the medication route is considered “first line” treatment, we understand that in the majority of cases, other interventions can be productive in a much more broad and holistic way to effectively address the many known factors that can contribute to a depressed state.2

We find success here daily. Weekly, we hold graduations in celebration of the successes of our participants. Family and friends are warmly welcome to attend. Amazing tales have been told at these graduations, sometimes recounting many decades of untold strife and struggling, now talked about with incredible clarity. Seeing this is an inspiration knowing they have all of the tools to keep up their newfound healthy lifestyle and be a symbol of hope for others. You are invited to give us a call at the center and find out about the antidepressant alternatives that are available for you or your loved one.

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Originally Published Nov 5, 2019 by Lyle Murphy

This content has been reviewed and approved by a licensed physician.

Dr. Samuel Lee

Dr. Samuel Lee is a board-certified psychiatrist, specializing in a spiritually-based mental health discipline and integrative approaches. He graduated with an MD at Loma Linda University School of Medicine and did a residency in psychiatry at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle. He has also been an inpatient adult psychiatrist at Kaweah Delta Mental Health Hospital and the primary attending geriatric psychiatrist at the Auerbach Inpatient Psychiatric Jewish Home Hospital. In addition, he served as the general adult outpatient psychiatrist at Kaiser Permanente.  He is board-certified in psychiatry and neurology and has a B.A. Magna Cum Laude in Religion from Pacific Union College. His specialty is in natural healing techniques that promote the body’s innate ability to heal itself.

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Nothing on this Website is intended to be taken as medical advice. The information provided on the website is intended to encourage, not replace, direct patient-health professional relationships. Always consult with your doctor before altering your medications. Adding nutritional supplements may alter the effect of medication. Any medication changes should be done only after proper evaluation and under medical supervision.

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