Divine Intervention, Cymbalta Withdrawal Success

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Last Updated on November 25, 2020 by Carol Gillette

What I did find was an extremely caring staff that in the end taught me many things. Most importantly, self-care and love.

I came to Alternative to Meds Center through “Divine Intervention.”

I was told by my counselor to take 30 days off work, or I was going to break. At the same time, I spoke to a friend that had just 4 days prior completed treatment here at Alternative to Meds Center. A week later I put my entire life on hold and was on a plane to Sedona. My original reason for coming was not totally med withdrawal, it was because I had spent many years taking care of everyone else but MYSELF!

Through excessive work, stress, horrible diet, no exercise, and lack of self-love that I almost broke. However, I also realized that the antidepressant meds I have been taking for over 25 years had probably really messed up my brain chemistry. I couldn’t think straight, have no short-term memory, no joy or happiness, no focus, and in a state of cloudy brain. I had NO feelings, being numb for many years.

Coming to Alternative to Meds Center was quite an awakening, with no caffeine, sugar and unhealthy food available to me. What I did find was an extremely caring staff that in the end taught me many things. Most importantly, self-care and love. Learning to nourish myself physically and mentally is worth its weight in gold. Although some things seemed very “woowoo” to me, I wanted to embrace it all, and it worked!

Not only am I medication-free from Cymbalta (any many other drugs over the years), I have most importantly been given a new opportunity at a clear, fulfilling, joyful, grateful, happy life with more clarity than I’ve had in many years.


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Nothing on this Website is intended to be taken as medical advice. The information provided on the website is intended to encourage, not replace, direct patient-health professional relationships. Always consult with your doctor before altering your medications. Adding nutritional supplements may alter the effect of medication. Any medication changes should be done only after proper evaluation and under medical supervision.