We are aware of other solutions at Alternative to Meds Center that are better than living your life dependent on bupropion, and struggling with the burden of bupropion addiction.
Bupropion is a powerful stimulant to the central nervous system and may have a high potential for dependence and abuse, leaving many users with a need for bupropion addiction help after long-term use. Bupropion is sold under various brand names, and comes in immediate-release and sustained-release formats.3,4
Did Bupropion Lead You Down a Dead-end Road?
This drug works on the central nervous system and the brain directly by causing interference with normal neurotransmissions. Neurotransmitters are naturally produced chemical “messengers” created in the body, that nerve cells use to communicate with other nerve cells. Neurotransmitters send and receive messages to regulate and influence virtually all of the other systems of the body. Bupropion affects excitatory neurotransmitters (dopamine) by causing an artificial build-up. However, Bupropion, referred to as an “atypical” antidepressant, also affects other stimulating neurotransmitters in ways that are not completely understood.1-7
At Alternative to Meds Center, our drug addiction treatment program addresses many aspects of addiction including repairing neurotransmitters that have been adversely affected, overstimulated, or injured by prescription medications or other drugs.
We invite you to review Alternative to Meds Center’s published evidence regarding the consistent success of our clients. For about 2 decades now, we have helped thousands of everyday people to free themselves from the chains of addiction using safe tapering methods and drug-free strategies to remain addiction-free for life. Don’t believe in fighting drug addiction with more drugs? Neither do we. Find out more about our philosophy and methods below.
15 Years Experience by Professionals Who Understand Your Journey.
Becoming addicted to bupropion is a growing concern according to the medical literature. Whether the drug came in a bottle labeled “Wellbutrin,” or “Zyban,” Forfivo XL, or other names doesn’t change the liability of potential bupropion addiction. Like most addictions, bupropion addiction is inadvertent. No-one “plans” to become addicted to bupropion. However, the drug itself has a built-in proclivity to developing dependence, mostly due to the pleasurable effects. Bupropion has become popularized as a cheap street drug, and prevalent in prison populations as well, for its stimulant effects described as similar to cocaine.
And a prescription pad doesn’t prevent any drug from its inherent addiction potential. In fact, addiction can sneak up on one, and take hold by increments, without fully realizing it.12 The following are some signs that may clarify whether you or a loved one is developing or has developed an addiction to bupropion.
Signs of bupropion addiction19 can include:
Developed tolerance, needing to take more or more often to get the desired effect
Not being able to consciously control or curb compulsive use, even after adverse effects
Drug cravings, seeking euphoric effects and sensations
An increased need to take the drug to avoid feeling bad, sick, or other withdrawal symptoms
Panic about running out of pills
Using other methods to heighten effects such as crushing and snorting, or injecting it
Necrosis (death of tissue cells at injection site) or infections that don’t heal 18
Disinterest in social activities, or things that one used to enjoy or participate in
Changes in mood, behavior, becoming agitated or argumentative, psychosis
Disregard for negative consequences of drug using
Since bupropion lowers the seizure threshold, seizures may indicate overuse 13,14
Spending too much time procuring or using, neglecting other responsibilities
Obtaining the drug in dangerous ways, on the street, doctor shopping, etc.
How Does Bupropion Affect Dopamine, the Reward Chemical?
Dopamine is a part of the natural reward system. For example, feeling good when doing a good job, feeling pleasure from family or other social interactions, feeling that our lives have purpose and feeling content, signal a natural upsurge in the transmission of dopamine. A synthetic drug, such as bupropion, accelerates the release of dopamine, as a response to the drug. These neurotransmitters become subject to abnormal deterioration, which uses it all up. Thus, a deficit can occur. And, this can contribute to a high risk for bupropion dependence and unwanted side effects. The drug is prescribed legally in the form of capsules and pills by psychiatrists and medical doctors or family physicians. However, when a person decides they want to come off of it and encounters bupropion withdrawal, or starts to notice that they feel like they need to take more of the medication to obtain the same stimulating effect, they may find they have become tolerant and as a result, physically dependent on it to feel good, or even “normal.” At this point, a person may need to go through some form of bupropion rehab to completely recover from their physical and/or psychological dependence on the drug.
Effects of Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibition
Bupropion also affects norepinephrine, another stimulatory neurotransmitter naturally produced in the body. Bupropion is thought to trap norepinephrine, stopping it’s natural travel pathway, causing an artificial and temporary upsurge in its stimulating effects. Mechanics of how drugs affect our natural neurotransmitters remains understudied, and even ignored by some drug proponents. According to Ascher et al in their review on the mechanics of bupropion, 11 experts concluded that the effects of increased activation of norepinephrine could be somehow linked to adrenaline but no other conclusions could be reached.8
However, let us look at what is known. Norepinephrine (also called noradrenaline) is a natural hormone, and a chemical messenger that stimulates or excites certain functions, nerve cells, and organs in the body. When medication suppresses or inhibits its reuptake, this increases its immediate effect. This is why giving a patient adrenaline in various forms can be essential to revive a drug overdosed person, prevent fatality in someone experiencing allergic shock, or after blood flow has been stopped as in cardiac arrest.9
But like dopamine, these trapped molecules are now subject to deterioration by enzymes and eventually become waste products. This can leave a deficit, especially if the drug use is habitual, over an extended period of time. Bupropion may affect other neurochemicals in the body, and may answer why seizures and other problems are associated with bupropion, but more studies are needed for a full understanding of the mechanics involved. 20
Liabilities of Bupropion Addiction & Abuse
Abusers of bupropion may suffer its effects occasionally with recreational use, and more acutely in cases of bupropion addiction. Clinical reports describe bupropion’s effects as similar to cocaine or amphetamines, especially at higher dosages. Wellbutrin and other brand names of bupropion have been documented in overdose cases after oral ingestion, and as a result of insufflation (recreational snorting). Bupropion addiction is not limited to recreational use, as it is prescribed for many different conditions and disorders. It is a drug with addictive properties. Case reports show that bupropion use (as prescribed) as well as when abused has resulted in drug-induced seizures, tachycardia, agitation, and hallucinations.10,11
How Does Addiction to Bupropion Occur?
Many individuals feel safer if they are relying on a medication that their doctor has given to them, making it much harder to realize, recognize and confront bupropion addiction behaviors. This can make it much easier to be in denial about their growing problem. All drugs that are addictive seem to have two commonalities: they initially produce a pleasurable effect, which is followed by an unpleasant rebound effect. Bupropion, through its stimulating effects, produces positive feelings but leaves the person feeling depressed later. A person also becomes tolerant to drug effects over time. As a result, the user demands more of the medication to feel good, or even just to feel normal. This cycle of pleasure and pain often leads to losing control over the drug and physical addiction. Our bupropion cessation program can help effectively soften the effects of withdrawal, as well as address the reasons why a person started taking this medication in the first place with bupropion addiction help.
Bupropion Addiction and Loss of Control of One’s Life
Antidepressant addiction can take over a person’s life. It short-circuits the person’s system of survival by producing artificial stimulation in the reward center, the pleasure areas of the brain. This can lead to increased confidence in the drug and decreased confidence in life’s normal rewards. This occurs physically at first, but then usually begins affecting the user psychologically as well. This results in a decreasing interest in other parts of life, but interest and reliance on bupropion increases.
Bupropion Withdrawal — What Happens When You Stop Taking Bupropion?
Bupropion withdrawal is also an important aspect of this addiction. The severity of the symptoms and length of the withdrawal can vary with how much damage has been done to the natural reward system from drug use. While clinical trials are scarce on bupropion withdrawal, a review of user reports on a large internet forum established that withdrawals can last for months (the average was reported at 50 weeks) if left untreated.15,16
Some of the reported symptoms of bupropion withdrawal can include:
Extreme irritability
Drug craving
Energy loss, fatigue
Brain zaps
Body aches and pains
Difficulty sleeping
Shaking, tremors
Increased appetite
Weight gain
Cardiac palpitations, arrhythmias
Bupropion addiction treatment can greatly help diminish such uncomfortable symptoms of withdrawal and help one to regain control over one’s life without relying on drugs.
Finding Non-Drug Treatments for Unwanted Symptoms
People are usually first put on antidepressant drugs without there being any substantial amount of effort to try to find out why they are feeling depressed or why they are suffering other symptoms like fatigue or day-time sleepiness or dissatisfaction in life. While bupropion is often used as a “first-line” treatment for depression, it is also used for “treatment-resistant” depression. That means that several other antidepressants have been unsuccessfully tried. When used for anti-smoking the liability for adverse effects is the same. And though all antidepressants carry a black box warning for suicidality, and this risk is NOT limited to only the young, according to recent research published in the 2019 Journal of Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics.21 Bupropion is also “FDA approved” for children with ADHD type symptoms. There are always going to be numerous other off-label uses for drugs, and these are seldomly studied in long term clinical trials.
Depression can occur following an event that is emotionally traumatic such as loss of a spouse, of loss of a job. But depression can also follow a period of poor nutrition, exposure to toxic chemicals, high stress, or other stressful trauma or life circumstance that has left a negative impact.
Without addressing these ACTUAL CONTRIBUTORS to the person’s condition, years may pass and they still take the drug, yet they still suffer from their initial depression symptoms. Adding to the frequently disastrous bupropion side effects, the person will suffer bupropion withdrawal symptoms if they try to quit.
At Alternative to Meds Center, we know there is a better way. We focus on discovering what the real medical or other causes are for why a person is depressed, and address those for authentic healing and relief of unwanted symptoms, not just masking these with addictive drugs.
Bupropion Addiction Treatment that Leads to Natural, Drug-free Mental Health
At Alternative to Meds Center, our bupropion addiction help program employs lab testing and other assessments to start to identify these potential causes. The use of natural substances can stabilize neurochemistry. It is also vitally important to remove the built-up neurotoxins that may have contributed to the person’s original symptoms. Alternative to Meds Center’s drug treatment program provides medical supervision to help people decrease their dependence upon psychiatric drugs, other drugs, or alcohol. To combat depression while the person is decreasing their medication dependency in a gentle and tolerable way, we provide many holistic therapies including targeted nutritional therapy, medication withdrawal techniques, massage therapy, yoga, peer support, mild exercise, personal training, and many other therapies to ensure that bupropion addiction treatment is successful.
If you or a loved one is suffering from bupropion addiction, please call us for additional information on how our program can assist. We are ready to help reverse bupropion addiction with proven, safe, and effective therapies in a pleasant, non-12-step setting under medical care and a staff roster of over 40 licensed and highly qualified practitioners to guide you on your personalized journey back to mental wellness.
7. Smith MD, Maani CV. Norepinephrine. [Updated 2023 May 8]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan-. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK537259/ [cited October 17 2023]
8. Ascher JA, Cole JO, Colin JN, Feighner JP, Ferris RM, Fibiger HC, Golden RN, Martin P, Potter WZ, Richelson E, et al. Bupropion: a review of its mechanism of antidepressant activity. J Clin Psychiatry. 1995 Sep;56(9):395-401. PMID: 7665537. [cited Oct 18 2023]
9. Simons FER, Simons KJ. Epinephrine (adrenaline) in anaphylaxis. Chem Immunol Allergy. 2010;95:211-222. doi: 10.1159/000315954. Epub 2010 Jun 1. PMID: 20519893. [cited Oct 18 2023]
This content has been reviewed and approved by a licensed physician.
Dr. Samuel Lee
Dr. Samuel Lee is a board-certified psychiatrist, specializing in a spiritually-based mental health discipline and integrative approaches. He graduated with an MD at Loma Linda University School of Medicine and did a residency in psychiatry at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle. He has also been an inpatient adult psychiatrist at Kaweah Delta Mental Health Hospital and the primary attending geriatric psychiatrist at the Auerbach Inpatient Psychiatric Jewish Home Hospital. In addition, he served as the general adult outpatient psychiatrist at Kaiser Permanente. He is board-certified in psychiatry and neurology and has a B.A. Magna Cum Laude in Religion from Pacific Union College. His specialty is in natural healing techniques that promote the body’s innate ability to heal itself.
Lyle Murphy is the founder of the Alternative to Meds Center, a licensed residential program that helps people overcome dependence on psychiatric medication and addiction issues using holistic and psychotherapeutic methods.
Medical Disclaimer: Nothing on this Website is intended to be taken as medical advice. The information provided on the website is intended to encourage, not replace, direct patient-health professional relationships. Always consult with your doctor before altering your medications. Adding nutritional supplements may alter the effect of medication. Any medication changes should be done only after proper evaluation and under medical supervision.
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