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Geodon Alternatives

Last Updated on December 19, 2023 by Carol Gillette

Alternative to Meds Editorial Team
Medically Reviewed by Dr Samuel Lee MD

At Alternative to Meds Center, we provide natural Geodon alternatives that can help you reclaim your life. For many, there is a better alternative than living life medicated on antipsychotic drugs like Geodon.

For individuals who have been prescribed this medication, we can provide effective, structured, holistic treatment therapies to provide a transition. Doesn’t that sound better than dealing with debilitating side effects the rest of your life?

Do Your Symptoms Require Geodon?

successful geodon alternatives
Alternative to Meds has been providing natural antipsychotic alternatives for over 15 years. We have published evidence regarding our success. Despite them being largely ignored, there are other ways to treat mental symptoms that are far less toxic than prescription drugs. Our staff is largely composed of professionals who were at one time MIS-diagnosed. Often there are medical conditions or other situational factors, and a lifetime of relying on medication may not be necessary.
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Finding alternatives to Geodon can be overwhelming and confusing. You clearly remember what the last hospital visit looked like and that is enough to scare you into not being adventurous.
But you are still looking for someone who might know of a better way. We have lived this ourselves, and impart both a professional and personal perspective. Many of our staff were once similarly diagnosed and found that we could balance our lives in other ways besides drugs.

What is Geodon?

Geodon is classified as an “atypical,” or second-generation antipsychotic. First-generation antipsychotics are theorized to target (closely bind to) dopamine receptors. There are many theories about how antipsychotics “work”. Second-generation (later versions) are thought to target dopamine receptors less and serotonin receptors more, according to Rauser et al’s 2001 study which examines various theories and controversies about how these medications may work.7

Geodon is prescribed for the treatment of bipolar disorder symptoms such as mania and psychosis, and prescribed to treat schizophrenia. Geodon is prescribed to dampen the over-excited characteristics of some psychiatric symptoms. Antipsychotic medications are often prescribed when someone has gone through a psychotic break, after antidepressants or other drugs have been ineffective, or when other drugs have yielded unbearable side effects. Individuals prescribed this medication often encounter more secondary problems than those for which Geodon was first prescribed to control. Although the exact mechanism of action remains unclear, it has been suggested that second-generation antipsychotics produce fewer extrapyramidal side effects such as tardive dyskinesia than their earlier counterparts.6,8

Why Consider Geodon Alternatives?

Geodon side effects are the prime reason for exploring non-harmful, non-drug-based alternatives that could benefit the situation effectively and comfortably.

Many persons do not achieve a satisfactory clinical result after an initial treatment of antipsychotic medication and do not respond any better when their dosage is increased, according to a study reviewing the topic in 2018.41 Continuing to search for a clinical resolution to their symptoms, many will want to explore Depakote alternatives, Risperdal alternatives, Abilify alternatives, Zyprexa alternatives, as drug replacement plans may bring about the desired outcome. Fortunately, the Alternative to Meds Center is staffed by holistic psychiatrists and medical practitioners who understand the balance that is needed for a safe and gentle recovery plan based on many modalities of medical treatment and care.

Alternatives to Geodon

Alternative to Meds Center focuses on some main pillars of treatment designed to reduce or eliminate the need for medication, not on finding a “better drug” to mask and suppress symptoms.

The first focus of treatment is discovering what may have caused or contributed to the symptoms in the first place. Lab testing and assessment can unearth a wealth of information. We can test for nutritional deficiencies, genetic and other biomarkers of interest, and the extent and profile of accumulations of neurotoxins that could have accumulated and disabled the CNS, for example.

Once gathered, this information informs how a person’s program would be best designed to directly address their unique, vital health matters.

Natural Alternatives to Geodon

During a mental health crisis medication such as Geodon may have been the best choice. Once the crisis has passed a person may be in a position where natural alternatives to Geodon could become a viable option. Please remember that suddenly stopping antipsychotics or any prescribed medication is never recommended with one exception. A drug-induced NMS is a life-threatening emergency. Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome symptoms are varied and can include muscle rigidity, tachycardia, cardiac arrest, tardive dyskinesia, renal failure, and others. These severe and rare drug reactions can result in death. One of the treatments for NMS is to immediately discontinue the antipsychotic drug. In all other cases, one would never suddenly discontinue Geodon. The use of alternatives can ease coming off Geodon and can assist in recovery before, during, and after gradual or complete cessation from medication.11

Natural Alternatives to Geodon Include:
  • holistic geodon alternatives sedona drug rehabPsychotherapy such as CBT 9,12,13
  • Change the diet 1,2,3,16
  • Skip the glutamate (foods containing MSG) 14,15
  • Avoid sugars and refined carbs to stabilize blood sugar levels 6,17,22,29
  • Avoid alcohol, stimulants, cannabis, and other recreational drugs 19,20,21
  • Test for and correct nutritional deficiencies 17
  • Supplements such as tryptophan, omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid 23,24,25,26
  • Orthomolecular use of niacin and vitamin C 27,28
  • Keep moving! (walking, yoga, cardio) 30
  • Exposure to sunlight 31
  • Acupuncture, yoga, relaxation exercises 32
  • Remove out neurotoxic accumulations 33,34,35,36

Therapy as an Alternative Geodon Treatment

The National Institute for Mental Health acknowledges that in some cases, the best course of treatment is psychotherapy alone.9 Non-drug-based therapy like counseling is commonly recommended as a holistic Geodon alternative. While this therapeutic treatment can play a very positive, effective, and important role in antipsychotic alternatives, therapy results may be further enhanced when used in conjunction with a comprehensive array of other Geodon holistic treatments to address underlying causes of symptoms. This synergistic approach yields maximum benefits. Our focus is on lessening symptoms through relieving the causes, rather than suppressing or masking the symptoms while underlying illnesses and contributors may continue to worsen.

Psychotherapy as an Alternative to Geodon

CBT is considered the “gold standard” in talk therapy and is a popular, effective option at Alternative to Meds. Genres of psychotherapy can include CBT, Exposure therapy, EMDR, and Open Dialogue Therapy.

holistic psychiatry alternative to geodonTalk therapy sessions can be delivered in individual or group formats.

A prime advantage of psychotherapy is that medication is not necessary for tangible results.

Exposure therapy is a specialized use of techniques that a counselor and client will work together on to build a gradual bettered confidence.

New confidence gained is a valuable asset that the various forms of talk therapy can help our clients achieve in a safe, warm, and comfortable setting.

The Guiding Principles of the Open Dialogue Approach for inpatient care, which you can see on the left, have influenced the look and feel of our residential programs at Alternative to Meds Center.

Our program is client-based featuring peer-support, private, and group counseling, combined with natural alternatives to medications such as Geodon. Our program provides a unique opportunity for those who wish to transition from medicated treatment to drug-free living. Our center provides a safe, comfortable, and supportive environment for success.

Improved Diet as an Alternative to Geodon

Diet considerations can have a great impact on mental health, especially when recovering from antipsychotic medications both in the short-term and long-term parameters. Below we will discuss various supplements and strategies related to diet, and how these can act as alternatives to Geodon.

Avoid MSG (Glutamate) in Processed Foods

One sodium molecule added to glutamic acid makes “monosodium glutamate,” a food additive that makes food taste absolutely delicious, even if it is made out of barn sawdust and glue. MSG lurks in processed foods under many different names that sound really nutritious, such as whey protein isolate, soy protein isolate, yeast nutrient, and probably hundreds of others. For a person with sensitivities to MSG reactions can include numbness and tingling, brain fog, headache, increased blood pressure, and others. For those with psychosis-related disorders, MSG can trigger an episode of mania or psychosis as it is an excitatory neurotoxin. Read labels and try your best to avoid this food processing additive. Use natural food whenever possible. Some researchers have found that curcumin has a protective effect on the neurotoxicity of MSG when tested on rats. Also please note that Vitamins A, C, D, and E may have a protective effect against the neurological and physiological impacts of MSG.37,38

Hypoglycemic Diet to Stabilize Blood Sugar Levels

Did you know that nearly 7% of all cases that come to the ER with altered mental states are hypoglycemic? That’s according to a fascinating case report from Padder et al published in the Journal of Psychiatric Practice.39 Lack of awareness of this phenomenon can easily lead to misdiagnosis and incorrect treatment protocols. When the supply of glucose to the brain is exhausted, CNS dysfunction results and that can look (and feel) like anything from psychosis to combativeness to sweating, shaking, confusion, or even a coma. What is “normal” for glucose levels is different from one person to another, but anything lower than 65mg/dL may start to see a lowering of cognitive function. Be proactive in your choice of foods and beverages to keep blood sugar levels at a stable range for your optimal health.

Eliminate caffeine

A clinical study out of Bahrain by Jahrami et al showed that 400mg of caffeine daily resulted in a doubled incidence of 5 symptoms. These were panic attacks, headaches, feeling trapped or caught, too worrisome, and feelings of worthlessness. The study concluded that caffeine causes anxiety when consumed in high quantities.41

A report out of Italy by Dr. Leonardo Tondo and Dr. Neriedi Rudas notes that stopping heavy caffeine intake was the main cause of a bipolar patient’s complete remission after 10 years of being on medications to treat the condition.40

A person taking antipsychotic medication like Geodon may develop an affinity for over-consumption of caffeine or other stimulants to counteract some of the dampening effects of the medication. This is understood at Alternative to Meds Center, and we aim to help our clients transition to Geodon alternatives to fully resolve this energy challenge. When energy is restored naturally, the need for stimulants recedes.

Supplements as Geodon Alternatives


Tryptophan has been demonstrated to be an important precursor in the creation of serotonin, according to van der Heijden et al’s study on amino acids in schizophrenia. The authors concluded that where amino acids were found to be in low concentration, positive response to treatment with antipsychotic medication was impaired or non-existent. 24

Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Eicosapentaenoic acid

A study on the etiology of schizophrenia and depression found fatty acids and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) play beneficial roles in treating depression and schizophrenia symptoms. Though the mechanism of action has not been clearly determined, definite positive therapeutic effects were observed. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) is found in fish oils, land animals, and vegetables as well as in supplemental forms of omega-3 fatty acids.23,24,25,26

High Dose Niacin and Vitamin C

orthomolecular medicine geodon alternativeOrthomolecular Treatments of Dr. Abram Hoffer: In a 1951 double-blind pilot study with 30 schizophrenics, Dr. Abram Hoffer MD, a Canadian psychiatrist, found that out of the 10 patients receiving nicotinic acid (a niacin type) seven of them had remained well during the one-year study. Another 10 patients were taking nicotinamide (another type of niacin) and “seven or eight had remained well,” while out of ten placebo patients, only three had remained well. That means approximately “75% of the patients receiving vitamins [niacin] had remained well, whereas only one-third of the patients receiving placebo had remained well.” Dr. Hoffer then did a 10-year-long double-blind study using niacin and high-dose vitamin C. Hoffer claimed a 75% cure rate meaning that subjects endured a 5-year-long period of not having hospital readmission. Hoffer’s work laid the paving stones for what would later be termed orthomolecular medicine. Alternative to Meds Center uses these orthomolecular treatments, and others, in the treatment plan for our patients and has attributed much of our success to these principles.27,28

Additional Support as Geodon Alternatives

Clean out toxic accumulations

Every day we are assaulted with neurotoxins in food, cleaning products, body care products, the air, and other sources. Studies have shown the toll that exposure to toxicity can take on mental health. Clearing out toxic accumulations is an important step in regaining natural mental health and is an important component of the programs offered at Alternative to Meds Center.4,5,31,33,34,35,36

Replenish nutritional deficiencies

Studies have shown conclusive evidence that deficiencies in essential nutrients may result in conditions that mimic mental illness and if not checked for and corrected, a patient may be not only misdiagnosed but likely will not receive the correct treatment needed to relieve their symptoms.17,18

Exercise for mental wellness

Exercise has been shown to have many positive effects on mental health. At Alternative to Meds, exercise is blended into a client’s program so these benefits can be experienced, always at an agreeable tolerance level. Walking, cardio, stretching, and yoga are all good opportunities for many benefits of increased wellness.30

Symptoms and Geodon Alternatives

Symptoms are signals that the body is in distress. An antipsychotic drug does not address or resolve an individual’s underlying reasons for their mental symptoms, but only masks them temporarily. Using other medications such as mood stabilizers as alternatives to Geodon may seem effective in the beginning, but these drugs are generally not recommended for prolonged use. Long-term use of these drugs can cause unwanted and sometimes irreversible side effects.6 geodon addiction treatment sedona drug rehabIt can also lead to severe withdrawal or even addiction. Other medications that may be recommended when Geodon is not working are very likely to cause similar if not the same issues. Geodon complementary alternatives should be carefully selected and uniquely customized for each person’s different needs. With a wealth of current medical research to back up the claim, we can say that the solution to psychosis, schizophrenia or other psychiatric symptoms is not at all restricted to medications to manage your problems. Surprisingly, holistic Geodon alternatives may be much more effective.

Individuals taking these drugs often have trouble setting goals, living their life as they desire to, and may be unable to perceive reward. The answer to why this is happening is different for each person. However, there is often an excessive amount of dopamine. Too much dopamine makes everything feel stimulating and can cause mania, as dopamine is a neurochemical that controls the perception of reward. Then, beginning an antipsychotic like Geodon that is targeted to block dopamine, causes the individual to be left without the enjoyment of reward. This outcome is less than desirable and for many, is intolerable.

We know that toxic accumulations can take a toll on neurochemistry. We know that a diet lacking in essential nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin B6, niacin, and zinc, can cause symptoms often described as mental illness. Preservatives and food additives are neurotoxic in many cases. Low blood sugar or other food issues may cause psychosis for sensitive individuals. These are issues that can be addressed and resolved using natural alternatives to Geodon.

Effective, Holistic Geodon Alternatives at ATMC

We help individuals decrease their dependency on antipsychotic medications, under the care of our medical professionals. We design tapering methods for a successful outcome. We also employ natural substances that stabilize neurochemistry. Importantly, the removal of accumulations of neurotoxins could relieve the mental symptoms for which Geodon was originally prescribed to treat. We perform lab tests that can help find what caused the original problems and we usually find toxicity to be the cause. We provide multiple methods of getting rid of toxic accumulations. To design a better diet, we also restrict sugary foods, processed foods, and caffeine. We also fully utilize specific supplements known to be effective in supporting neurochemistry balance and repair.

Our program focuses on body detoxification from neurotoxins, the use of amino acid,s and other targeted nutritional therapies such as NAD IV treatments, acupuncture, support from peers, personal training, trainer-led exercise, yoga, Reiki, massage, personal counseling, and many other therapies to provide successful Geodon alternative medicine. We invite you to call and receive a more complete understanding of all the types of Geodon alternatives help that we provide at Alternative to Meds Center.


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Originally Published on: Oct 30, 2018 by Diane Ridaeus

This content has been reviewed and approved by a licensed physician.

Dr. Samuel Lee

Dr. Samuel Lee is a board-certified psychiatrist, specializing in a spiritually-based mental health discipline and integrative approaches. He graduated with an MD at Loma Linda University School of Medicine and did a residency in psychiatry at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle. He has also been an inpatient adult psychiatrist at Kaweah Delta Mental Health Hospital and the primary attending geriatric psychiatrist at the Auerbach Inpatient Psychiatric Jewish Home Hospital. In addition, he served as the general adult outpatient psychiatrist at Kaiser Permanente.  He is board-certified in psychiatry and neurology and has a B.A. Magna Cum Laude in Religion from Pacific Union College. His specialty is in natural healing techniques that promote the body’s innate ability to heal itself.

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Medical Disclaimer:
Nothing on this Website is intended to be taken as medical advice. The information provided on the website is intended to encourage, not replace, direct patient-health professional relationships. Always consult with your doctor before altering your medications. Adding nutritional supplements may alter the effect of medication. Any medication changes should be done only after proper evaluation and under medical supervision.

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