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Latuda Alternatives

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Medically Reviewed Fact Checked

Last Updated on February 18, 2025 by Diane Ridaeus

Alternative to Meds Editorial Team
Medically Reviewed by Dr. Samuel Lee MD

It is uncommon for medical facilities to feel confident in providing Latuda alternatives and we don’t just mean switching drugs or putting the client in a drug-induced coma for “relief.”

Being prescribed antipsychotics like Latuda (lurasidone), even if correctly indicated during a time of demonstrable crisis, may not mean that a lifetime of being medicated is necessary.

You are unique. Shouldn’t your treatment be unique too?

successful latuda alternatives
You don’t have to settle for a label and a drug with its continuing side effects. Antipsychotics typically stop working after a time. See our published evidence regarding the success of our clients, who were also seeking antipsychotic alternative treatments versus a lifetime of medication. Our aim is to investigate and discover root causes for symptoms and resolve them, not just numb your awareness of the problems. Temporarily, yes medications often can help but that is not the same as healing. We have helped thousands of clients get out of the trap and we may be able to help you or your loved one using methods most pertinent to the individual we are treating.
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Why Consider Latuda Alternatives?

More than ever before, new information is available about healthy Latuda® alternatives in the treatment of psychosis, schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, BPD, and many other sometimes baffling conditions. A surprising result from the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center found that the results of 90 first-episode psychosis patients treated with a placebo were no less effective than the results for those treated with medication.1 A sampling of effective alternatives to Latuda is given further in this article. This is positive news and gives hope where there may have only been despair in the past. We invite you to share this and other information on the website with family or any others who might need to be reassured that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Are you looking for Latuda alternatives that are less risky than continuing heavy drugs? Latuda is an “atypical” antipsychotic medication that is FDA-approved for the treatment of BD (bipolar depression), and schizophrenia (audio/visual hallucinations and/or disordered or delusional thoughts).2

A review of 84 different studies was completed in a book entitled, “Off-label Use of Atypical Antipsychotics — An Update” where researchers Maglione et al found that antipsychotics are often prescribed “off-label” for ADHD, depression, autism, OCD, PTSD, personality disorders, Tourette’s, and others. Of note, the book revealed there was no indication of efficacy in the use of antipsychotics for any of these off-label uses.3 And, for Latuda and certain other medications, the FDA recommends against prescribing antipsychotics for agitation or psychosis in dementia patients. This is echoed in the black box warning about the increased risk of death for that population. In addition, antipsychotics increase the risks of heart disease, stroke, cardiac arrest, and other adverse effects that may begin to outweigh any benefits of taking the medication.2

Latuda alternatives at Alternative to Meds Center present superior options over drug-based treatments where drugs have not been helpful and have not provided relief. Latuda users don’t need to continue to suffer when effective Latuda alternatives exist. Alternative to Meds Center uses scientifically proven ways that reduce and eliminate unwanted side effects and past symptoms that can be resolved in other ways. It may take some persistence, some help, some education, and some patience. But Alternative to Meds Center has shown that there are many non-drug-based treatments that can allow a person to regain robust health and happiness without drugs, and without being chained to side effects or harsh Latuda withdrawal symptoms. Latuda alternative treatments can replace despair with hope and a brighter future.

Natural Alternatives to Latuda

It is important to note the cessation of Latuda should NEVER be too fast or abrupt. Alternatives to Latuda are tools to be strategically used and can help to assist in slow and well-monitored withdrawal, but are not in themselves meant to replace the drug. Here are some examples that are used inpatient at Alternative to Meds, followed by an expanded description of what each can entail further below. 

Natural Alternatives to Latuda include:
  • holistic alternatives to latudaUpgrade the diet — avoid caffeine, glutamates, chemical food additives, stimulants, and flavor enhancers.4-8
  • Control blood sugar spikes and crashes by restricting sugars and refined carbohydrates.9,10,34
  • Use of Omega-3 fatty acids, niacin, vitamin C, lithium orotate, amino acids, and other potentially helpful supplements.11-15
  • Cleanse the body of toxic accumulations such as heavy metals, chemicals, drug residues, and pollutants.16-19
  • CBT and other forms of personal counseling.20-22,32
  • Build a healthy gut microbiome with prebiotics, probiotics, and fermented foods.23,24
  • Exercise 25,26
  • AVOID cannabis, alcohol, or other recreational substances. Certain cannabinoids (non-THC) have shown efficacy for schizophrenic symptoms.27-29,33

Diet in Treating Mental Disorders

critical role of nutrition in mental healthMuch research has documented how powerful diet can be for the treatment of psychiatric symptoms and disorders, such as schizophrenia.7,8

Depression, anxiety, and insomnia can also be reduced and even eliminated through proper nutrition and even the timing of meals.35,36

Nutritional deficiencies are often overlooked entirely and puzzling symptoms are sometimes mislabeled as mental health disorders. Nutritional therapy involves discovering missing or out-of-balance elements and correcting them using diet and supplementation.31 Choose foods that are organic where possible, for their lack of pesticides and additives. Supplements are key components in nutritional therapy as well. They can be strategically used to provide nutritional armor. Give the body the raw materials it needs to build a healthy microbiome which will, in turn, support the rehabilitation of neurotransmitter function. Many factors can impair neurochemistry in the body, including drug use, toxic exposure, nutrient deficiency, hypoglycemia, recreational drug use, impaired microbiota from antibiotics, or other stressors — all of these may have dysregulated natural neurochemistry. Turning these conditions off and getting back to normal can be helped by using alternatives rather than more heavy drugs, which could further impair the neurochemistry. Another alternative is eliminating sugar to help keep blood sugar levels evened out. This is a good idea since psychiatric symptoms can develop from hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia as well.9,10

This type of non-drug treatment is sustainable because it eliminates the harmful or intolerable side effects that are often inherent in medication-based treatments. There are many such non-drug-based types of treatment that may not have been made available to you, in your own treatment experience.

Latuda Alternatives in Treating Bipolar Depression

Latuda alternatives should be considered for what is generally termed, “treatment-resistant bipolar.” Some clinicians or physicians may try medication after medication, including experimental medications and even veterinary medicines for people, without success. Some, in desperation, may even resort to electroshock treatment with equally dismal, even heartbreaking results.30

Cognitive Behavioral Counseling — Effective Alternative to Latuda

Fascinating randomized, controlled trial findings were published in the 2015 Lancet Journal of Psychiatry. The researchers found that persons suffering from persistent delusions and/or hallucinations often suffer sleep disturbance associated with this phenomenon. After 8 sessions of CBT, follow-ups at 12 and 24 weeks found trial participants achieved significant and long-lasting improvements to sleep from this natural alternative therapy.32

Other effective methods to treat depression may be found in counseling, including CBT and other genres of talk therapy.

Notes on Cannabis and Cannabinoids

Cannabis use is linked to the majority of clients by far who come to us for help with psychosis-related symptoms. Recreational cannabis may be too often relied upon to lift a dark mood, and because cannabis is associated with psychotic episodes, it is absolutely not recommended for mental health purposes.27-29,37

However, according to research published in the Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Design, certain cannabinoids without THC, have proven to be therapeutic in the treatment of schizophrenia and other health issues.33

Alternatives to Latuda at Alternative to Meds Center

Alternative to Meds Center offers a very wide range of alternatives to antipsychotic treatment protocols that are based on natural and scientific principles and methods.

Natural approaches, with their proven efficacy, are applied in preference to guesswork and dubious drug-based pharmacological “solutions,” or the health risks associated with recreational drugs, prescription drugs, or alcohol use.

Our program maintains a very high success rate.

Discovering and Addressing Root Causes is Key

latuda root causes Information gathering and batteries of lab testing are crucial for a clear snapshot of each client, their history, their current symptomology, their diet, testing for vitamin/mineral deficiencies, the presence of toxic load, allergies, genetic factors that may interfere with metabolism, as well as other helpful information. From this wealth of data, an individualized inpatient program is designed to address the factors which are likely causing unwanted symptoms to persist.

We can find out when a toxic load is present in the body because it shows up on tests. Whether it was acquired from long-past chemical or recent exposure in the household or industrial or work environment, past drug or vaccine residues, heavy metals like mercury, lead, plus organophosphates from other sources, can be gently purged from the body using effective, non-invasive means like sauna, chelation, mineral baths, ionized foot baths, colonics, nebulized glutathione, and other methods. It is well-documented that the presence of toxins in the body can wreak havoc on both physical and mental health. The clean-out can improve mood, sleep, appetite, and other aspects leaving the person feeling well, lighter and brighter, and functioning at an overall healthier level.16-19

How to Find Out More About Latuda Alternatives at Alternative to Meds Center

detox success at Sedona drug rehabThe programs at Alternative to Meds Center are based on proven, holistic treatments using a scientific, effective approach to help each client safely taper or reduce medications in a comfortable way. We can do this by offering concurrent Latuda alternatives so that unwanted symptoms can be eased and even eliminated by investigating and treating their root causes. This can diminish the need to continue to take high doses of heavy drugs. Sometimes the drugs can be completely eliminated without relapse of symptoms when this gentle, science-based approach is used.

The center is a beautifully appointed facility located in an idyllic location, perfect for outdoor hikes, trainer-led yoga sessions, or simply quiet and restful contemplation between therapy sessions. For the more energetic client, Equine-assisted therapy is offered, as well as local sightseeing and arts and entertainment venues that are within easy access. Such out-trips are easy to arrange if desired. The inpatient setting is ideal as it provides a safe and friendly atmosphere — a genuinely caring, supportive vibe that is highly appreciated and often fondly remarked on by our clients. Clients can receive spa services, such as massage, foot baths, acupuncture, nebulized glutathione, IV and NAD treatments, and much more. We invite you or your loved one to find out more about the Latuda alternatives program that is available at Alternative to Meds Center today.


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Originally Published Feb 12, 2020 by Diane Ridaeus

This content has been reviewed and approved by a licensed physician.

Dr. Samuel Lee

Dr. Samuel Lee is a board-certified psychiatrist, specializing in a spiritually-based mental health discipline and integrative approaches. He graduated with an MD at Loma Linda University School of Medicine and did a residency in psychiatry at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle. He has also been an inpatient adult psychiatrist at Kaweah Delta Mental Health Hospital and the primary attending geriatric psychiatrist at the Auerbach Inpatient Psychiatric Jewish Home Hospital. In addition, he served as the general adult outpatient psychiatrist at Kaiser Permanente.  He is board-certified in psychiatry and neurology and has a B.A. Magna Cum Laude in Religion from Pacific Union College. His specialty is in natural healing techniques that promote the body’s innate ability to heal itself.

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Medical Disclaimer:
Nothing on this Website is intended to be taken as medical advice. The information provided on the website is intended to encourage, not replace, direct patient-health professional relationships. Always consult with your doctor before altering your medications. Adding nutritional supplements may alter the effect of medication. Any medication changes should be done only after proper evaluation and under medical supervision.

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