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Paxil Addiction

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Last Updated on August 8, 2021 by Carol Gillette

Alternative to Meds Editorial Team
Medically Reviewed by Dr Samuel Lee MD

At Alternative to Meds Center, ways of Paxil addiction help have been discovered which greatly alleviate the withdrawal symptoms and makes this process easier.

How Hard Is It to Resolve Paxil Addiction?

paxil addiction helpOnce a person has developed a Paxil addiction, it can be one of the most troubling processes to get off of the medication because it can be nearly impossible to endure Paxil withdrawal symptoms. We are aware of solutions to avoid living the rest of life medicated or addicted to antidepressant prescription medications and suffering nearly continual withdrawals.

After long-term and/or high dosage use of this antidepressant medication, Paxil dependency may form. As with other addictions, physical Paxil dependence forms and if consumption of the drug is stopped, withdrawal symptoms may emerge. Furthermore, Paxil belongs to a class of medications called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), and today it is one of the most frequently prescribed antidepressant medications. However, it is also one of the antidepressant drugs that may cause the most side effects. The drug is a very addictive one. It may be so addictive that users of this medication start to feel Paxil withdrawal symptoms as fast as a few hours upon the drug exiting the human body system.

About Paxil’s Popularity

paxil side effectsIn 1992, Paxil was introduced to the market. Since its introduction, thousands of patients have been prescribed this drug for various mental conditions and have developed problems that led to the need for Paxil addiction treatment. The commercials seen on television for Paroxetine do not mention this and even downplay the horrific side effects. Many doctors and pharmacies may tell patients the same thing, that antidepressants are not addictive. Contrary to this belief, many patients find it very difficult to quit using Paxil and other antidepressant drugs. Even with a slow reduction of dosage and tapering off of Paxil addiction, many patients have reported complaints of diarrhea, intense stomach pain, migraines, intense anger, extreme anxiety, and feelings of electrical zapping moving the head or eyes.

These symptoms that occur when ending Paxil dependence are often written off as merely withdrawal syndrome or some kind of temporary illness due to discontinuation of the drug. But the truth is that many people have suffered injury, harm or loss resulting from antidepressant side effects and claim that they were never told or properly informed about the medication’s potential harms. There are a number of Paxil side effects 1 but some are more serious than others. One of these is its highly addictive characteristic.

How Does Paxil Addiction Develop?

Even though most people do not have the intention of becoming addicted to it, when all of the characteristics of Paxil addiction drug dependence are compared with an addiction to heroin or cocaine, there are more similarities than differences. Long-term use often causes a physical and mental dependence to develop upon the drug. A tolerance to the antidepressant is often acquired, and users of this drug may not be able to function properly without it. An individual may experience pain from antidepressant withdrawal symptoms when even one dose is missed. Paxil abuse may develop with an individual over long-term use, where the individual no longer feels the same effects from the drug at the same dosage they have been taking, often leading to an increase in dosage in order to achieve the desired effects.2

antidepressant discontinuation syndromeMany people use this medication or Paxil alternatives for the rest of their lives. This is often easier than confronting the fact that they may need Paxil addiction help in order to be free of addiction. However, overcoming antidepressant addiction (also termed antidepressant discontinuation syndrome 6 ) and getting through withdrawal can be made easier than many people may think. The use of any prescription medication should never be stopped without talking to a doctor first. With the help of a medical professional, addiction and the process of withdrawal and recovery can be made much more manageable. Patients should not think that antidepressant addiction is any different from other addictions just because it is prescribed by a doctor. Paroxetine addiction should be taken seriously and if you think you have an addiction to this medication, please seek Paxil rehab immediately.

Does Paxil Cure Depression?

Most people are prescribed an antidepressant prior to any adequate investigative efforts being put towards finding why they are depressed. There can be many contributors to depression, and typically none are checked for before pulling out the prescription pad.3

There is evidence (mice and rat studies 4,5 ) to suggest that antidepressants can create a real serotonin deficit, as well as other deficits. The selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) don’t create any new serotonin or norepinephrine. These drugs block reuptake. The suspended natural neurochemicals then degrade and are lost. It is a similar process to the way cocaine only creates a high for a short period of time. Cocaine wastes all of the dopamine and doesn’t create it.

Find Out More About Paxil Addiction Treatment

holistic addiction treatmentAlternative to Meds Center identifies the medical causes of why a person may suffer from depression and helps people to limit or eliminate their dependency on antidepressant medications. Our program includes the use of lab testing, natural substances that will stabilize the neurochemistry, processes to rid accumulated neurotoxins from the environment, careful medication withdrawal methods, amino therapies and other nutritional therapy, personal exercise training, yoga, massage, peer support, and many other therapies to actually address depression and offer successful Paxil addiction treatment. We invite you to give us a call and chat with us, find out more about the kind of Paxil addiction help available for you or your loved one.

1. Paxil Lawsuit Information,, [accessed 2021 Feb 11]

2. Hall-Flavin D MD, “Antidepressants – Can They Stop Working?” Mayo Clinic patient information portal, published online [accessed 2019 Oct 20]

3. “What Causes Depression – Onset of Depression More Complex Than a brain chemical imbalance?” Harvard Health Publication, published 2019 Jun 24 INTERNET [accessed 2019 Oct 20]

4. Siesser WB, Sachs BD, Ramsey AJ, et al. Chronic SSRI treatment exacerbates serotonin deficiency in humanized Tph2 mutant mice. ACS Chem Neurosci. 2013;4(1):84-88. doi:10.1021/cn300127h. [cited 2021 Feb 9]

5. Robert Whitaker, “New Rat Study: SSRIs Markedly Deplete Brain Serotonin Study helps explain SSRI “discontinuation syndrome” Psychology Today, posted 2010 Nov 01 [cited 2021 Feb 9]

6. Warner CH, Bobo W, Warner C, Reid S, Rachal J Antidepressant Discontinuation Syndrome, Am Fam Physician, 2006 Aug 1;74(3):449-56. [cited 2021 Feb 9]

Originally Published by Diane Ridaeus Published Nov 4, 2019

This content has been reviewed and approved by a licensed physician.

Dr. Samuel Lee

Dr. Samuel Lee is a board-certified psychiatrist, specializing in a spiritually-based mental health discipline and integrative approaches. He graduated with an MD at Loma Linda University School of Medicine and did a residency in psychiatry at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle. He has also been an inpatient adult psychiatrist at Kaweah Delta Mental Health Hospital and the primary attending geriatric psychiatrist at the Auerbach Inpatient Psychiatric Jewish Home Hospital. In addition, he served as the general adult outpatient psychiatrist at Kaiser Permanente.  He is board-certified in psychiatry and neurology and has a B.A. Magna Cum Laude in Religion from Pacific Union College. His specialty is in natural healing techniques that promote the body’s innate ability to heal itself.

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Nothing on this Website is intended to be taken as medical advice. The information provided on the website is intended to encourage, not replace, direct patient-health professional relationships. Always consult with your doctor before altering your medications. Adding nutritional supplements may alter the effect of medication. Any medication changes should be done only after proper evaluation and under medical supervision.

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