Dr. Daniela Hutyrova, NMD

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Dr. Daniela Hutyrova, or Dr. D as some of her patients like to call her, has been practicing integrative medicine for over 20 years and has helped hundreds of people understand and heal the root cause of their health issues.

Born and raised in Europe, the cradle of contemporary western holistic medicine, she received her Ph.D. in Ecology and Environmental Protection from the highly respected Comenius University in Czechoslovakia. Her early work experiences included acting as Director for the Environmental Protection Department of the National Building Industry where she prepared environmental impact reports for the National Institute of Health and proposed new production procedures to lower levels of pollution. She initiated regular public lectures on nutrition and disease prevention at the National Sanitarium for stress related diseases, also in Czechoslovakia, where she met prominent scientists and physicians from all over Europe and developed a keen interest in holistic medicine.

After arriving in the United States, Dr. Hutyrova received her medical degree from the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine and Health Sciences and then opened a private holistic practice in the White Mountains, Arizona. Later, she founded the Pante Rhei Wellness Center in Cottonwood, Arizona. The name Pante Rhei reflects eternal processes in nature first described by Greek philosopher Heraclitus. Pante Rhei means constant and eternal flux like the continuous flow of the river which always renews itself. Dr. Hutyrova applies this ancient philosophy in her practice where change is possible and there are no incurable diseases/conditions. Dr. Hutyrova’s mantra: Nothing is impossible because healing waters go ever flowing on … Pante Rhei!

She has also completed many other certifications over the years including training in cancer treatment with Dr. Donato Perez Garcia in IPT (insulin potentiation therapy), administering oxidative therapies, and noninvasive esthetic medicine from a prestigious clinic in Italy.

Dr. Hutyrova is known as an expert in the realm of stress-related disorders, adrenal fatigue, and bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. She’s also earned herself the title of “IV Queen” because of the nutritional intravenous therapies she has been administering for the majority of her career. “IV therapy is almost magical,” Dr. Hutyrova says, “There is no better and more efficient way to get nutrients into the body, and even a simple saline drip can make a world of difference.”

Another aspect of her practice that sets Dr. Daniela Hutyrova apart is her use of bio-resonance technology. The process involves identifying and removing blocks that prevent one from enjoying perfect health and happiness. These blocks can be anything from heavy metal toxicity, nutritional imbalances, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, hormonal fluctuations, to mental and emotional struggles and even old genetic/ancestral patterns. While these assessments themselves are incredibly beneficial, the doctor’s ability to make coherent sense of the results is imperative. Dr. Hutyrova has an incredible ability to make connections between seemingly unrelated issues that appear in the test results and put together a treatment plan tailored to the individual.

At the end of the day, that is the essence of integrative medicine — the understanding that individual solutions are important because human beings are all different and a one size fits all approach cannot work effectively in medicine. Dr. Hutyrova brings her years of experience to every interaction with her patients and has a way of explaining things in a way that is compassionate and easy to understand and act upon.

Medical Disclaimer:
Nothing on this Website is intended to be taken as medical advice. The information provided on the website is intended to encourage, not replace, direct patient-health professional relationships. Always consult with your doctor before altering your medications. Adding nutritional supplements may alter the effect of medication. Any medication changes should be done only after proper evaluation and under medical supervision.